Maplewood Cemetery is open daily from dawn until dusk.
If you are looking for where a loved one is buried, check out for a photo and location of many of the monuments at Maplewood Cemetery. Some of the more recent monuments are not yet listed.
Cemetery Etiquette:
- Be respectful. Keep the volume of voices down, and don’t use offensive language. Don’t play loud music.
- Keep children in check. No running, yelling, etc. This is not a place for childhood games. Don’t let them play on the monuments.
- Do your best to not walk over the graves. Walk in between the headstones, and don’t stand on top of a burial place.
- Follow cemetery rules and visit during posted hours.
- Don’t litter. This creates extra work for the caretakers, and shows disrespect to the other families who come to mourn their loved ones.
- Follow the roadways. Drive slowly and obey any traffic signs posted in the cemetery and don’t drive on the grass.
- Don’t sit or lean on the headstones, grave markers, or other memorials.